Building Energy Resource Hub 180 N. LaSalle St. #2210 Chicago, IL 60601
The Building Energy Resource Hub is a project of Illinois Green Alliance.
EIN: 75-3098915
Greetings -
Earlier this month was ENERGY STAR Day and we are celebrating throughout October! ENERGY STAR isn’t just for appliances and single-family homes—there are extensive commercial and multi-family building resources for energy efficiency and building retrofits as well. Make the most out of ENERGY STAR today: subscribe to their newsletters, check out their resources and catch up on building benchmarking and Portfolio Manager, including pages in Spanish, below!
The Hub is excited to announce our next Finance Friday webinar on November 8th at 11:00 AM when Illinois Energy Office will share two new opportunities for Housing Assistance Energy Grants. We also have a few spaces available at next month’s Contractor Connection; email us if you want an invitation sent to you.
Katie, Kindy, Matt & Rimjhim
The Hub Team
ENERGY STAR Day was October 9, 2024 and EPA announced several new resources, including Portfolio Manager being made available in Spanish.
Los propietarios, gestores e inquilinos de edificios hispanohablantes ya pueden medir y evaluar el consumo de energía, el consumo de agua, la generación de residuos, y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de sus edificios en español. Además, pueden aprovechar otros recursos útiles en español, como:
Cómo acceder la versión española de Portfolio Manager.
Three resources to add to your contractor decarb library
Finance Fridays: Explore the Equitable Energy Futures Grant
November 8 at 11:00 AM
Join us on November 8 for an overview of the Illinois EPA Energy Office of Energy Housing Assistance Energy Grants. Illinois EPA recently announced the expansion of two energy efficiency grants: the Energy Efficiency Assessment Program and the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Program provide funding for energy efficiency assessments and upgrade projects at eligible properties serving residents receiving housing assistance. These grant programs will now accept applications statewide for single-family residential and multifamily properties with up to 20 dwelling units serving residents receiving housing assistance. Learn how you can leverage these financial programs for your next project.
Making Decarbonization Financing Work for
Homeowners and Contractors
Hosted by Rocky Mountain Institute
October 29 at 2:00 PM CT
This webinar presents new findings from RMI’s Making Decarbonization Financing Work for Homeowners and Contractors report, featuring real-world perspectives from experts in home energy upgrade financing, contracting, and program design. The panel discusses how to create simpler, more accessible financing options that make electrification a more appealing choice for both homeowners and contractors.
Illinois Stretch Code Training: Residential
Hosted by Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
October 29 at 10:00 AM CT
Learn about requirements for the state-developed stretch code aimed at improving building energy efficiency. Energy codes are among the most cost-effective tools impacting the energy use and emissions of newly constructed buildings, and stretch codes are a great option for jurisdictions with climate or energy goals. Learn from an expert in stretch codes and the changes that may impact your building energy code requirements. Continuing education credits will be available for AIA(HSW), ICC and RESNET.
The Future of Multifamily: Positioning Condos and Co-Ops for Success in DC and NYC
Hosted by Building Energy Exchange and Building Innovation Hub
November 7 at 10:00 AM CT
Join the Building Energy Exchange and the Building Innovation Hub for the first event in the Future of Multifamily series—Positioning Condos and Co-ops for Success in DC and NYC. This virtual webinar will overview the current BPS landscape in both cities and how condos and co-ops are preparing for compliance. After brief presentations from real case studies in DC and NYC, participants will hear from service providers and condo board members in a moderated discussion.
This one-hour workshop, originally recorded in October 2023, provides an overview of the free building benchmarking tool, ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, and helps you understand how to set up an account, how to create accurate building profiles, how to best gather and enter monthly energy, water, and/or waste data, and how to interpret your performance over time in the tool. We also had special guests to help explain ComEd's Energy Usage Data System tool to help attendees understand how to collect aggregated whole building electricity data to support your benchmarking journey!
Recorded Webinar: Integrated Strategies for Building Decarbonization
Hosted by US Department of Energy's Better Buildings Initiative
Integrated decarbonization strategies can help organizations uncover pathways to reducing emissions and meeting sustainability goals. This real-world example from a Better Buildings partner shows a pathway that other organizations can leverage to accelerate their decarbonization planning. This webinar presents a case study that used a blend of strategies including right-sizing, heat pumps, thermal storage, and heat recovery to develop a successful decarbonization plan.
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Mailing address:
180 N. LaSalle St. #2210
Chicago, IL 60601
The Building Energy Resource Hub is a project of Illinois Green Alliance.
EIN: 75-3098915