Architect's Playbook

Architects play a vital role in creating healthy, high-performing buildings. They are the
visionaries that bring project goals to life, are typically the first discipline hired at the outset of a building project, and often are the entity overseeing and managing all of the project’s other design consultants. As such, their leadership, guidance, and creative problem-solving skills play a particularly valuable role in actualizing high-performing buildings.

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This resource is based upon content originally developed by the Institute for Market Transformation in collaboration with Arup for the Building

Innovation Hub, with funding and support provided by the District of Columbia’s Department of Energy & Environment.

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Building Technologies Office Award Number DE-EE0010930. (DOE-ELEVATE-0010930-8)

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