Building Energy Resource Hub 180 N. LaSalle St. #2210 Chicago, IL 60601
The Building Energy Resource Hub is a project of Illinois Green Alliance.
EIN: 75-3098915
The team at the Building Energy Resource Hub is excited to share an updated format for our newsletter. We are adding a personal note from our team to preview events and resources we are excited about. We are also adding a "Contractor Corner" to help some of our busiest audience members discover opportunities and news relevant to them. The Hub team recently connected with ENERGY STAR experts at EPA to get the inside scoop on useful resources to highlight over the next few months, including how to become an ENERGY STAR partner and get listed in their contractor database.
Have suggestions for resources to highlight or news you want to learn more about? Email the Hub team and share your ideas.
Katie, Kindy & Matt
The Hub Team
Are you looking for ways to electrify your large commercial or multifamily building heating plant? When it comes to electrifying large buildings, there are limited design resources for existing building boiler retrofits, so the Building Technologies Office Commercial Building Integration Program developed a "Guidance Document on Space Heating Electrification for Large Commercial Buildings with Boilers."
The guide summarizes key considerations for people seeking to retrofit existing large commercial and multifamily buildings, particularly those that currently heat spaces using fossil fuel-fired boilers. It is meant to provide an overview for building owners, contractors, and other stakeholders involved with heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) about possible design and purchasing decisions. Inside, you’ll find discussion of motivations for electrification, electric space heating technologies, boiler retrofit evaluations and processes, and other project considerations. You’ll also find case studies that demonstrate best practice and lessons learned.
IREC has updated its interactive career maps that help job seekers find careers and advancement opportunities in the clean energy fields. First, the Green Buildings Career Map has been updated to include weatherization careers. The Weatherization Assistance Program supports 8,500 jobs, including the job roles highlighted here such as Residential Energy Auditor, Multifamily Retrofit Project Manager, Building Operator, and more.
Second, the Solar Career Map has been updated to be more representative of the growth within the solar industry over the last 10 years. The updated map showcases 44 jobs and more than 60 advancement routes between them. The Building Energy Resource Hub will continue to share workforce resources and training programs.
Have a program or resource to share? Send it to us for future newsletters.
Affordable Housing Decarbonization Hub
Minimizing greenhouse gases in multifamily buildings requires new ways of working. The Affordable Housing Decarbonization Hub, published by Enterprise Community Partners, is designed to help with a range of tools and resources, all in one place. Decarbonization will transform the future of affordable housing. Navigating the terrain to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gases means working differently with emerging tools and resources.
Building Decarbonization Technical Resources Library
Our partners at ASHRAE have put together a library of technical resources on building decarbonization that includes guides, outlines of building standards, white papers, interactive games, and a glossary of important terminology. Browse their various resources below.
Low Carbon Multifamily Retrofit Playbooks
Produced by our partners at the Building Energy Exchange, this series of playbooks summarizes retrofit strategies that maximize occupant comfort and energy savings through a transition to electricity-based heating, cooling, and hot water systems. The playbooks are organized by building system and include a list of deep retrofit strategies for several urban building types—including pre-war, post-war, and garden style, all among different height categories.
Does your business help building owners improve energy performance? If your business is benchmarking buildings, consider becoming an ENERGY STAR partner once you complete ten assessments to gain access to new customers, enhance your company’s credibility and visibility, and access a network of peers and energy management resources. There’s no cost to join ENERGY STAR as a partner. View the complete partnership requirements PDF and become an ENERGY STAR partner by applying online. New to ENERGY STAR benchmarking? Get started here.
SEDAC is Looking for Blower Door Service Providers
With the adoption of the 2021 IECC, blower door testing will be required for all new buildings per C402.5.2, C402.5.3, or R402.4.1.2 along with additions to commercial buildings per C502.1. To assist projects with compliance, SEDAC is building a resource list of blower door testing service providers. If your organization conducts blower door testing, or if you know an organization that does, please let us know by completing this form.
Track all energy efficiency financing resources through these different organizations:
As more companies and investment funds adopt policies or programs that prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, there is a growing need for a workforce of well-trained building operators to help ensure compliance. This panel will explore challenges and solutions for facility departments tasked with addressing ESG initiatives among financial pressures and dynamic market conditions. The discussion will assess applicable standards and their direct impact on the role of building operators.
Better Buildings Webinar: From the Field - Efficient Large Boiler Systems
May 30 at 1:00 PM CT
Join the Space Conditioning Technology Research team to learn about efficient large boiler system examples in the field. From system components and performance to challenges and barriers to application, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and join the discussion.
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Mailing address:
180 N. LaSalle St. #2210
Chicago, IL 60601
The Building Energy Resource Hub is a project of Illinois Green Alliance.
EIN: 75-3098915