DCEO Equitable Energy Future Grant Program

Equitable Energy Future Grant Program

The Grant provides  seed funding and pre-development funding to equity eligible contractors to support energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) projects.

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Awards ranging from $250k - $1 million


Illinois DCEO

Eligible Projects

Building Sector


  • Applications are graded using the Merit Review Process and scored on the criteria specified in Section E.1 of the NOFO.​
  • The Department designates an evaluation committee to grade each application received for this funding opportunity. ​
  • The final score of each committee member will be calculated and an average of all scores will be the final applicant score. Merit review scores 75 and over will receive a negotiation offer. ​
  • Applicants that successfully address negotiation requests will receive a recommendation.


Additional Information

Become an Equity Eligible Contractor – Illinois Adjustable Block Program (illinoisabp.com), Illinois Adjustable Block Program - EEC Designee Application & Attestation (office.com)​

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